
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Implications to the European South


According to its proponents, the TTIP is the most important trade negotiation underway in the European Union (EU) and the USA aiming at creating the world’s largest free trade area. With the purpose of making the trade of goods and services easier with the least possible impediments, a number of issues have been raised regarding the implementation of the TTIP with respect to the allocation of costs and benefits to people in both the EU and the USA. It has been argued that the agreement will benefit more the growth rate in the USA than that of the EU whose regional disparities are expected to increase. In this context, one would suppose that at least a part of the benefits accruing to the USA will be allocated in the effort to ameliorate the disparities especial in the EU Southern countries.

Volume :- No.10 (2016)

Issue No :- 1 (2016)

Pages :- 39-55

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